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Principles of Talent Development

v1.0 Derek Crews

Chapter 1 Talent Development: Impact and Emerging Issues

Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Explain the scope of talent development and the impact upon organizations.

  2. Recognize the issues and changing trends that impact workplace talent development.

  3. Describe the influence of business strategy and organizational competitiveness on workplace talent development.

  4. Identify the various steps in the talent development process. 

  5. Discuss the career options available in talent development and the competencies necessary for these roles.

Before learning the principles of talent development, students should understand the environment and context in which workplace learning occurs. Talent development plays a major role in the competitiveness of individuals, organizations, regions, and societies. The talent development industry is a major factor in attracting and growing industries to a region and is now cited by economic developers as the major factor in site selection decisions. Individual organizations strive to align talent development with their strategic goals to gain competitive advantage in their industry, whether for-profit or nonprofit.

The talent development industry is influenced by a rapid pace of change in factors such as demographics, diversity, globalization, and technology. This chapter provides students with an overview of these factors and introduces them to the different approaches and models that are used for content development and delivery, which then will help them to understand the organization of the textbook. The chapter closes with a discussion of career options in talent development.