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FlatWorld Homework

Take the work out of homework.


Launch an Assignment for Your Course

launch assignment

Pick Your Questions

pick questions

Assess Progress for Your Course and Comprehension

assess progress


We designed this tool from the ground up to be instructor-friendly. It's a formative test bank that's easy to set up, with no training required. Simply log in and assign, FlatWorld will do the grading for you.

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multiple formats

Questions in Multiple Formats, Written for Your Book

FlatWorld authors are involved in ensuring that the questions specifically match the pedagogy of the textbook. Our Homework System includes questions in the form of graphs, choice matrices, fill-in-the-blank, image and graph labeling, and more.

Integrates with Your Learning Management

You can manage FlatWorld Homework through your institution's Learning Management System or use the interface as a stand-alone system. The interface is compatible with Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, and Brightspace D2L.

homework macbook


With our mobile-friendly interface, your students can access and complete their homework from any device.

FlatWorld Homework

FlatWorld Homework is Free for Students

At no additional cost, your students can access FlatWorld Homework as soon as they purchase their textbook.

For help setting up Homework or any questions, contact your rep or our customer support team.

Request a demo

In order to give you the best experience, it is important that we have accurate data about your correct school. If you are unable to find the correct school above, please enter the name and web address here so that we can add it to our system.

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