Introducing Psychology: Brain, Person, Group
Version 5.1
By Stephen M. Kosslyn and Robin S. Rosenberg
Included Supplements
Key Features
- Includes Information about COVID-19.
- Mainstream perspective built around three levels of analysis (brain, person, group) that aligns with the popular integrated approach to psychology.
- Unique partnership of respected scholar and clinical psychologist provides balance of theory and practice.
- Includes standard learning aids, such as section-opening learning objectives, key takeaways, and summaries.
- Special high-interest features throughout like chapter-opening stories to provide thematic structure and real-life applications to engage students; “Think Like a Psychologist” to highlight critical thinking through questions and activities; “Looking at Levels” picks up on the book’s theme and focuses once per chapter on a key theory or psychological phenomenon to apply the three levels of analysis (brain, person, group).
- Customizable.
- Online Access Price
- $36.95
- Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price
- $63.95
Introducing Psychology: Brain, Person, Group is suitable for courses called Introduction to Psychology, Principles of Psychology, Survey of Psychology, or for any basic psychology course that provides an overview of the discipline. The course is generally taught at the undergraduate level at most two- and four-year colleges and universities.
Introducing Psychology: Brain, Person, Group presents psychology using levels of the brain, person, and social world to help students actively apply psychology to their lives. Examining psychological concepts from the levels of the brain (biological factors), the person (beliefs, desires, and feelings), and the world (social, cultural, and environmental factors) helps students organize and integrate topics within and across chapters—and readily see the relevance of psychology to their own lives. This comprehensive introduction to psychology both engages students and provides them with an integrated introduction to the field.
New in This Version
Version 5.1 includes information about COVID-19 and the pandemic’s early impact upon many facets of human psychology such as memory, personality, stress and health, social cognition, and social behavior. This version also features updates to Chapter 13’s chapter story on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
- Reflects the recent updates to Version 5.0
- Includes machine-readable alt-text captions and captioned video links to support ready access by differently abled learners.
- Updated and rewritten to help students better understand key psychological terms, findings, theories, and concepts and their implications.
- Introduces new research, refreshes previous editions’ discussions, and provides more polished descriptions of key psychological principles in every chapter.
- Among the many new or expanded topics are: using psychology to encourage healthier behaviors; ethics coverage relating to torture and to neuroethics; impacts of head trauma; new research on the hippocampus; intellectual disabilities; lie detection and brain activity; genetic contributions to personality; adolescents and social media; microaggressions; impacts of social media posting activity; substance abuse; psychological disorders; PTSD treatments; evolving diagnosis criteria and DSM-5.
- Chapter 13: “Social Psychology: Meeting of the Minds” features a reconceived discussion of prejudice and stereotyping, a new chapter story on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle integrated throughout, and new material on current topics such as on online dating sites and snap judgments.
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgments
- Dedication
- Preface
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Science of Psychology: History and Research Methods
Chapter 2: The Biology of Mind and Behavior: The Brain in Action
Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception: How the World Enters the Mind
Chapter 4: Learning: How Experience Changes Us
Chapter 5: Memory: Living with Yesterday
Chapter 6: Language, Thinking, and Intelligence: What Humans Do Best
Chapter 7: Emotion and Motivation: Feeling and Striving
Chapter 8: Personality: Vive La Difference!
Chapter 9: Psychology Over the Life Span: Growing Up, Growing Older, Growing Wiser
Chapter 10: Stress, Health, and Coping: Dealing with Life
Chapter 11: Psychological Disorders: More than Everyday Problems
Chapter 12: Treatment: Healing Actions, Healing Words
Chapter 13: Social Psychology: Meeting of the Minds
Appendix A: Statistics and How to Think About Research Studies
Appendix B: Answers to Practice Tests
Appendix C: References
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Additions & Errata
Appendix B Answers to Practice Tests:
- The answers for Chapter 11 and 12 have been corrected.
Section 6.4:
- Changed "For example, one study examined women who were about to have a sex-change operation to obtain the sexual characteristics of men. As part of the procedure, the women received massive doses of male hormones, specifically testosterone." to "For example, one study examined transgender men seeking gender affirming procedures. As part of the procedure, the transgender men received massive doses of male hormones, specifically testosterone."
Section 6.5:
- In the Practice Test portion, "females tend to be better than females" was changed to "females tend to be better than males" in option "d." for question 15.