Environmental Science: A Need for Living Sustainably
Version 1.0
By Joseph Shostell
Included Supplements
Key Features
- Presents a positive, “can-do” attitude by offering solutions and productive steps that can be taken to tackle environmental challenges
- Structured around seven interconnected themes described in Section 1.3
- Life and society need a healthy environment to thrive
- Science informs us about the environment
- Societal, corporate, and consumer decisions impact the environment
- Environmental issues have a social and cultural context
- A global perspective is needed to deal with many environmental issues
- Society relies on many disciplines to solve environmental problems
- Sustainability allows future generations to enjoy a healthy environment
- Early coverage of ethics (Chapter 2)
- Introduces matter and energy as foundational topics (Chapter 3)
Supportive Learning Structure
- Fascinating chapter-opening scenarios, such as manatee conservation (Chapter 7) and Singapore’s sustainability strategy (Chapter 18) are referenced throughout the subsequent chapter. The opening scenarios are then revisited in depth at the end of the chapter
- Learning Objectives at the beginning of each main section help guide and focus students’ learning
- Key Takeaways at the end of every main section echo and reinforce the section’s Learning Objectives
- Critical Thinking Activities in each chapter prompt students to analyze key topics in depth, such as genetically modified organisms (Section 2.3) or solid waste disposal (Section 16.2)
- Bringing It Closer to Home Activities in each chapter invite students to investigate their personal environment outside the classroom to explore topics such as product designs (Section 2.3), estimating habitat loss (Section 7.3), and identifying their own risk of exposure to ozone (Section 11.4)
- Online quizzes and flashcards embedded in the online reader version of the book reinforce learning and provide a useful study aid
- Embedded video links throughout bring topics to life
Unique illustration program
- Vibrant, multi-part figures within each chapter capture students’ attention
- Visual Overviews at the end of each chapter concisely summarize key concepts in memorable ways
- Outstanding coverage of a diverse range of contemporary topics such as ocean-borne plastics, plastic contaminants, U.S. regional drought and water levels, corporate ethics, and new recycling strategies
- Customizable
- Online Access Price
- $36.95
- Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price
- $63.95
Environmental Science: A Need for Living Sustainably is appropriate for courses called Introduction to Environmental Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Environment and Society, Human Impact on the Environment, Resources and Environment, Sustainable Development or similar titles taught at the undergraduate level in two- and four-year colleges and universities.
Environmental Science: A Need for Living Sustainably offers an appealing and contemporary approach to understanding environmental science in today’s rapidly evolving global context. Captivating narrative stories, plentiful critical thinking and experiential activities, and compelling examples pulled from around the world complement solid coverage of key foundational concepts. Early chapters are structured around core environmental themes, ethics, matter, and energy to set the stage for the remainder of the book. Subsequent chapters efficiently address complex topics that are often covered over two or more chapters in the leading competitors. This fresh and up-to-date approach encourages students to focus on the main issues, enabling faculty to cover more content in less time while improving student learning retention.
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- Preface
Chapter 1: Introduction to Environmental Science: Sustainability
Chapter 2: Environmental Ethics, Law, and Policy
Chapter 3: Matter, Energy, and the Environment
Chapter 4: Evolution, Populations, and Communities
Chapter 5: Ecosystems and Biomes
Chapter 6: Human Populations
Chapter 7: Preserving Biodiversity
Chapter 8: Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
Chapter 9: Sustainable Management of Forests, Grasslands, and Protected Areas
Chapter 10: Water Resources
Chapter 11: Air Quality, Climate Change, and Air Pollution
Chapter 12: Geology and Mineral Resources
Chapter 13: Nonrenewable Energy Sources
Chapter 14: Renewable Energy Sources
Chapter 15: Environmental Health and Toxicology
Chapter 16: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Chapter 17: Sustainable Community Development and Urbanization
Chapter 18: Sustainable Economics

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Instructor’s Manual
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PowerPoint Lecture Notes
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Additions & Errata
In Section 17.2, changed "English Channel" to "Strait of Gibraltar" in the following sentence: "Gibraltar has an area of only 6.7 square kilometers (2.6 mi2), but it cannot expand because Spain abuts it to the immediate north, and the English Channel to the south."
In Section 7.2, updated the “Critical Thinking Activity: Determining the Value of Honeybees” and corrected calculations.
In Section 7.6, added new reference used in “Critical Thinking Activity: Determining the Value of Honeybees”: Aizen, M. A., Morales, C. L., Vazquez, D. P., Garibaldi, L. A., Saez, A., and Harder, L. D. 2014. When Mutualism Goes Bad: Density-Dependent Impacts of Introduced Bees 0n Plant Reproduction. New Phytologist 204: 322–328.
In Section 11.2, fixed typo in “Critical Thinking Activity: Interpreting Graphs.” Now says “assumption that the scale of units.”
In Section 14.5, changed “113 ft” to “115 ft” in “Bringing It Closer to Home: Locate a Wind Turbine.”Section 18.3
In Table 18.3 changed “19.50” to “18.04” in top right entry.
In Section 3.4, fixed order of images in Figure 3.20.
In Section 5.5, removed extra “all” in third sentence of “Bringing It Closer to Home: A World of Forests?”
In Section 9.3, deleted errant (A) and (B) labeling in caption of Figure 9.15.
In Section 14.3, fixed cross reference to Critical Thinking Activity in second paragraph under “How Does a Solar Panel Work?”
In Section 17.2, changed “England” to “Britain” in the following sentence from the “Critical Thinking Activity: Observation and Analysis of Gibraltar—a Fully Urbanized Territory” box: An analysis of Gibraltar—a completely urbanized territory of Britain—provides us with a unique opportunity to explore a fully urbanized area without actually traveling there.